We’re proud to be a full-service dental practice, devoted to comprehensive and preventive patient care. Our staff is dedicated to helping our patients understand their dental health in a caring and supportive environment.

Cleanings and Periodontal Health

While at our office, we make sure that you receive the highest level of service and ensure that our dental work is of the highest quality. To ensure that you maintain great oral health, this level of quality needs to extend into your personal oral hygiene routine. We can help you establish a dental hygiene routine that will keep your teeth healthy and white. If you have any questions about your current hygiene plan please ask us.

Your teeth are not the only important part of your mouth. Your gums are essential to oral hygiene as well. We can provide periodontal cleanings and treatment, or refer you to one of our recommended specialists. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Oral cancer screenings

Oral cancer screenings are a very important part of the dental visit for the patient. With the advances in modern technology, we are now able to pinpoint the start of a potential problem much earlier in its evolution. The ability to do so is extremely important in being able to treat any issues prior to them becoming a major irreversible problem.

The oral cancer screening is often completed with an ultraviolet light or similar device that allows us to view issues that can’t always be detected by the human eye under normal conditions.

Certain lifestyle choices can have a great impact on the health of tissues and your overall health in the mouth. If you are a smoker or heavy drinker, make sure to get regular screenings when you visit the dentist.

Root Planing

Often there is plaque and tartar that accumulates below the gum line. In this scenario, we will clean and smooth this area with special instruments to ensure that the area is completely spotless. If this area is not kept clean the entire area can become irritated with the bacteria that resides in the tartar and plaque. It’s very important to have your dentist check this area if you have bleeding during brushing.

If you are experiencing a dental emergency, we encourage you to call our office so we can set up an appointment for you as soon as possible.  Often times at Fairview Park Dental Care, we can see our patients the same day or the next day.  The goal of our emergency appointments is to get people out of pain.

At Fairview Park Dental Care, we love seeing kids of all ages.  Getting proper dental care for your child is important so they can be set up for dental success for their entire life.

Many people desire to have a whiter and brighter smile.  With staining from coffee, wine, smoking, and foods, even proper at home care and cleanings can not be enough to maintain a white smile.  Teeth whitening is a safe and effective way to restore the natural color of your teeth, or even make them brighter if you would like.

At Fairview Park Dental Care, we use a tray whitening system.  We take impressions of your teeth to make custom whitening trays that can be used over and over.  Then you place the whitening gel into the tray and wear your tray for a short period of time over a period of several days.  Each person is unique, so we would go over specific instructions with you on a case by case basis.

Bonding is a popular method to enhance the aesthetics of your smile. Bonding can be used to correct cracks or gaps in teeth, as a filling after a cavity has been removed, or to cover up stains or discolored teeth.

A composite resin is used on the affected tooth or teeth. It is molded and sculpted over an adhesive gel that is placed on the tooth. After the resin has been applied an ultraviolet light is used to harden the resin, which is then polished to give you a fresh, new smile.

Bonding is an obvious improvement over unsightly silver amalgam fillings. With the advancements in dental technology, bonding usually lasts for over 10 years. It is a safe, affordable, and attractive solution for many dental problems.

Dental bridges are a great way to replace missing teeth. Your existing teeth are used to literally create a bridge to cross the area where your tooth is missing. Bridges are made from gold, metal, alloys, or porcelain to ensure that they are strong and durable.

The process of creating a bridge begins by creating abutments out of your existing teeth where the bridge will be attached. The existing teeth are recontoured to provide a base for the bridge. After the abutments have been created, a mold is taken of the area which is sent to a dental lab. The lab is able to use the mold to create a bridge that will fit properly and feel as close to your natural teeth as possible. The bridge consists of two crowns on either end to place on the abutments and a pontic, which is the new tooth that replaces your missing tooth.

We will fit you with a temporary bridge while we wait for the lab to craft your permanent bridge. This will protect the abutments and the exposed gum areas and look more appealing than having a missing tooth. When the permanent bridge has been created, you will have a follow up visit to set the bridge. It will be placed on the abutments and the dentist will then use an adhesive to make sure that the bridge is set.

The bridge may take a little while to get used to, but after a few days it should feel like you have your own teeth back again. You should eat soft foods for the first few days after having your bridge placed. After the initial phase, you will be able to eat whatever you want with no issues.

If you are missing a tooth you should strongly consider having it replaced. Besides the aesthetic disadvantage of missing a tooth, it could also cause structural changes to your mouth and jaw, as well as making it difficult to eat or speak properly. Set up an appointment today to restore your smile.

Veneers are a way to redesign and reshape your entire smile.  They are a thin porcelain shell that is bonded on top of your existing teeth.  Not only can you change the color, but you can also change the shape and contour of your teeth too.  With veneers, we are able to correct cosmetic issues including staining, cracked teeth, spacing and gaps, misaligned or rotated teeth, and other issues.

         The process of getting veneers will take about 3 appointments.  At the first appointment we will discuss your goals and desires for your smile.  We will then take photos and impressions for study models.  During the second appointment we will show you a mock up of your smile and if everything appears good, we will then prepare your teeth for the veneers.  Depending on the goals of the final outcome, some teeth will be shaved down to create room for the porcelain veneers.  After the teeth are prepared, we take impressions for the dental lab and we will make temporary veneers.  Fabrication of the veneers will take about 2-3 weeks.  During the third appointment, we will try in the new porcelain veneers and make sure they fit well and look great.  After approval, we will bond each veneer to the underlying tooth.

Dental implants are a great permanent solution to replacing missing teeth.  Our office utilizes a specialist to place your implant and then after healing, we will place the crown.

The entire implant process will take several months.  The process starts with removing the bad tooth /teeth and bone grafting the area.  After healing, the specialist will place the implant screw into the jaw bone.  After this heals, our office will take impressions to make the final crown.

Dentures are a replacement for missing teeth that can be removed and put back in your mouth as you please.  Depending on each patients needs, they may require full dentures or partial dentures.  Full dentures are used when you have all of your natural teeth removed.  Partial dentures are used when you are only missing some of your teeth.  The process of making dentures is unique and determined on a case by case basis, but is usually about 4 appointments.  The first appointment we will take impressions of your teeth/jaws.  The next visit we will take measurements and determine how your jaws line up with each other.  The next visit we will try in a mockup of the dentures that are made out of wax.  At the  final appointment, you will get your completed dentures.

Your dentures may take some time to adjust to and get used to.  Over time, your mouth becomes trained to eat and speak with your dentures and they will feel more and more normal. 

When the living tissue on the inside of the tooth is infected, a root canal procedure may need to be done to properly save and restore the tooth back to normal.  During a root canal, the pulp chamber (hollow inside of the tooth) is accessed and the living tissue is removed.  The canals of the tooth are shaped and disinfected and then the clean canals are filled with a rubber material called gutta percha.  After a root canal, the tooth can become week or brittle, so a crown may be indicated.  Root canals have a bad reputation, but that reputation is very old, and with modern anesthetics and techniques, root canals can be a painless procedure.

Clear aligners are a way to straighten and improve your smile without the use of traditional metal braces.  A series of clear aligners (trays) are made and you wear them over your teeth in sequential order.  Every two to three weeks, you change your tray and wear the next one.  Each tray moves your teeth a small amount.  It’s recommended you wear your trays all the time but they can be removed for eating or very short amount of times.  Compliance is important for a nice end result

Teeth need to be extracted for a number of reasons, including;  severe decay, fracture, not fixable (non-restorable), infection, to prevent future problems, to create space, etc…. During an extraction procedure, the tooth or jaw is numbed, and the tooth is gently removed.  Sometimes stitches are placed to aid in healing.